Itself the word "management" gives the clear meaning that it is the study, knowledge about different field.many person who have involved in the business sector are getting success because of good management system.
Itself the word "management" gives the clear meaning that it is the study, knowledge about different field.many person who have involved in the business sector are getting success because of good management system.

In this modern age management has became one of the most important part of life.Not only in the business field it is needed in every good management leads to have the good knowledge and is the factor of production and the self satisfaction.director and managers who have the power and responsibility to make decisions to manage an a discipline,management compares of interlocking functions of formulating corporate-policy and organizing,planning,controlling,and directing the firm's to achieve the policy's objective.due to the good management system many persons and the job holders are ranked in various post.
Meaning of business:
The meaning of business is ver

In conclusion,we can define business in the following way that is"business involve all the activities of selling producing and exchange perform to provide every kinds of needs and demands of the individuals with an equitable adjustment of profit and public welfare.
After we establish our business we alwaCHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

Here are some point to have a good business management and to determine the good position of the business:
Reiterate sales
There are many ways to guard against the sudden loss of the business.among them the one way is to employ a recurring business model.there are many general facts and example of them that are consumer service,subscription media,
like we the television cable and broadcast the internet and so on.all the business generate a lots of revenue from the consumer annually and monthly.there we can see lots of business that are particularly compute win business and after they got them they start to sale the same customers again.
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